I honsetly thought this was gonna be a clock flash.
Anyway, nice job, add SFX and you'll have it made!
I honsetly thought this was gonna be a clock flash.
Anyway, nice job, add SFX and you'll have it made!
there really is no need for sfx in this part, but part two has many!
The day when Wade Reviews this flash will be the day ducks become extinct
The Wii is better.
But enough! I'm sick of these raving fanboys fighting over the PS3/XB360!
They both rock, O.K!
This song may have raised an interesting point, but that is no exucse for starting a flamewar!
Good song.
This... is... good...
Life IS beautiful.
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
An encredbly charming flash, no action :( but still great!
I don't know what to say about this...
Hopefuly, this won't become the next "B".
Me heart this flash!
This is awsome, I loved how you used the music, make more!
There definetly needs to be more Pikmin flashes like this!
You should release this in china or somthing!
But why wasn't it in english?
your flashes arnt very good, you imatate the clock crew, no one
even KNOWS what a glock is, and your breath stinks.
Of COURSE we can be freinds!
SlimeManMan! Can do things only SlimeManMan can!
Age 32, Male
looking for a job
Austin, Texas
Joined on 4/25/07